
How Do They Do It?

Silicon Graphics® systems used for research projects in the University of British Columbia Department of Computer Sciences MAGIC Lab include:

4 Indigo² tm with XZ graphics,
1 Indigo² High Impact,
2 Indy tm; workstations

The Department of Computer Sciences undergraduate lab is equipped with 30 Indys for teaching.

MAGIC Lab uses the following software:

Alias Animator, Alias|Wavefront
Modeling, animation, and rendering
Softimage, Microsoft-SOFTIMAGE
Modeling, animation, and rendering
MSC/PATRAN, MacNeal-Schwendler Corporation
Finite element modeling
FIDAP, Fluid Dynamics International
Computational fluid dynamics
Adams, Mechanical Dynamics
Kinematic modeling in dentistry and forensics projects
Power Vertigo, Vertigo
Scientific animations
Dragon Editor, locally developed by Dr. David Forsey
Soft texture modeling